Category The Guardian data store

What, the Pope can resign?

The pope resigning was one of the most unimaginable things that I could have ever thought of, simply because I had taken for granted that one could not simply resign to be the pope. Many questions came into my mind then: which Pope held the longest Pontificate or was the youngest at the start of papacy? How […]

Visualise open government data and win $2,000

Governments from all around the world are releasing tons of information every day under the open data laws. Creating something out of that information can make you $2,000 richer. The Guardian newspaper, in collaboration with the open knowledge foundation and Google are offering a prize for the best visualisation. The competition is open to citizens […]

Climate Funds Update

The latest information on climate funds


Features from the Middle East

ARCO Bloggers

Una experiencia editorial participativa online de Roberta Bosco y Stefano Caldana para ARCOmadrid 2013

Como las lentejas

Consejos e información sobre periodismo

Data Blogger

Compelling stories through data